Tann Westlake is proud to be supporting the RSPCA Sussex West Branch in 2022/23 having been engaged as its new agency. Support will include social media strategy and planning, branding for its Chichester-based animal centre, and more.
To kick-start the partnership our account director, Josh Bryan, had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Ben Fogle, FRGS, the award-winning broadcaster and adventurer, as he paid a visit to the centre to explore the facilities at Mount Noddy Animal Centre. Ben’s father, the renowned veterinarian and author Bruce Fogle, MBE DVM MRCVS, is the president of RSPCA Sussex West Branch and donated this year’s Christmas tree.
You can read more about Ben’s visit to the centre here: https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/news/people/ben-fogle-visits-animal-centre-3936503
Mount Noddy Animal Centre first opened its doors back in 1969 and has recently undergone a major redevelopment, combining the best in animal welfare expertise, with modern and high-quality equipment and facilities. The animal centre supports the work of the local RSPCA inspectorate in the Chichester district and surrounding areas, providing care and assistance to hundreds of cats and dogs every year.
The RSPCA Sussex West Branch is a local branch of the national RSPCA charity and is responsible for its own governance and funding. It does not receive funding from the national charity and relies solely on fundraising, donations and income from its four charity shops.
As a team of dog-lovers, we’re proud to be supporting this great cause. Josh, in particular, knows all about rescuing neglected animals, having adopted his family dog, Sherlock, from a Greek charity that finds loving homes for strays found on the island of Zathynthos.
To donate to the Mount Noddy Animal Centre, or to discuss options for rehoming a cat or dog, please visit: https://www.rspcasussexwest.org.uk/
Image credit: Barney Hindle Photography